1 Mew Watching the Expedition arrive
2 The Jungle Expedition passing an ancient ruin
3 Arriving at the ancient shrine of Mew
4 An Ancient Plaque of Mew Within its Shrine
5 A Small Sample of Mews DNA is found
6 Dr Fujis Scientists Running tests on the DNA Sample
7 The Development of a Mew Clone named Mewtwo begins
8 A Young Mewtwo Opens his eyes
9 Mewtwo Communing with Amber via Telekensis
9 Mewtwo Communing with Amber via Telekensis 2
10 Clones of Charmander and Squirtle in the Lab
11 Dr Fuji and his Scientists in the lab
12 Dr Fuji Watching over the readings from the clones
13 The Clones Communing presumably by psychic means
14 A Photograph of Amber before she died
15 Ambertwo shows the clones where she used to live
16 Ambertwo shows the clones the sun
17 Ambertwo shows the clones their first sunset
18 Ambertwo explains about the Moon
19 The Charmander Clone Fades away
20 Squirtle and Bulbasaur clones fade away
21 Amber says goodbye to Mewtwo as she too fades away
22 Mewtwo trying to understand what happened
23 Young Mewtwo crying
24 Machines in the lab reacting to Mewtwos upset
25 Mewtwo being pumped with serums to calm him and make him forget
26 Grown up Mewtwo remains in statis