Pokemon Wallpaper collection for Desktop PC, Mobile and Tablets
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- Written by Pokemon Dungeon
- Category: Media & Downloads
- Hits: 20859
Pikachu Surfing Wallpaper
Gen 1 starter Pokemon: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle Wallpaper
Gen 1 starter Pokemon playing on a Game Boy
Sloooowwwww..... A pink Slowpoke Wallpaper
A wallpaper featuring Gen 1 starter Pokémon and their evolved forms.
Gen 1 starter Pokémon plus Pikachu (who was also a starter in Yellow)
A wallpaper featuring Ash, Gary, Pikachu and Charizard.
A purple wallpaper of retro Mewtwo
Realistic PokeDex and gym badges wallpaper
Arcanine with a pair of Growlithes in the wild
A wallpaper of Dragonite from Pokémon the First Movie.
A pixellated wallpaper of Feraligatr
Flareon and Pidgeot on a dark background
Wallpaper featuring art of Gen 1 Starter Pokemon
Grass types wallpaper featuring Venusaur, Victreebell and Tangela.
Greetings from Pallet Town Wallpaper.
Kyogre and Groudon art wallpaper
I started with Squirtle Wallpaper
Mudkip Wallpaper
Pixelly Mudkip Wallpaper
Classic Yellow Pikachu Wallpaper
A really nice Pikachu Wallpaper.
Pokemon Silver Version Wallpaper
Pokemon Type Icon Wallpaper
Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness Wallpaper
Raichu takes centre stage on a background of Pika
Realistic Pokéball wallpaper
Eevee Evolution tree, scientific wallpaper
Squirtle kicking back in his natural habitat wallpaper
The biology of gen 1 starter Pokémon wallpaper
Torkoal, Turtle and Turtwig Wallpaper
Silhouette of Pokemon Trainer (looks like Ash) holding a Pokeball. Red/Black Wallpaper
Vaporeon firing a bubble beam. Blue Wallpaper.
Fire, Grass and Water types Pokemon Wallpaper
Pixellated Zapdos Wallpaper. Team Instinct would be proud.
Pikachu Surfing Wallpaper
Gen 1 starter Pokemon: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle Wallpaper
Gen 1 starter Pokemon playing on a Game Boy
Sloooowwwww..... A pink Slowpoke Wallpaper
A wallpaper featuring Gen 1 starter Pokémon and their evolved forms.
Gen 1 starter Pokémon plus Pikachu (who was also a starter in Yellow)
A wallpaper featuring Ash, Gary, Pikachu and Charizard.
A purple wallpaper of retro Mewtwo
Realistic PokeDex and gym badges wallpaper
Arcanine with a pair of Growlithes in the wild
A wallpaper of Dragonite from Pokémon the First Movie.
A pixellated wallpaper of Feraligatr
Flareon and Pidgeot on a dark background
Wallpaper featuring art of Gen 1 Starter Pokemon
Grass types wallpaper featuring Venusaur, Victreebell and Tangela.
Greetings from Pallet Town Wallpaper.
Kyogre and Groudon art wallpaper
I started with Squirtle Wallpaper
Mudkip Wallpaper
Pixelly Mudkip Wallpaper
Classic Yellow Pikachu Wallpaper
A really nice Pikachu Wallpaper.
Pokemon Silver Version Wallpaper
Pokemon Type Icon Wallpaper
Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness Wallpaper
Raichu takes centre stage on a background of Pika
Realistic Pokéball wallpaper
Eevee Evolution tree, scientific wallpaper
Squirtle kicking back in his natural habitat wallpaper
The biology of gen 1 starter Pokémon wallpaper
Torkoal, Turtle and Turtwig Wallpaper
Silhouette of Pokemon Trainer (looks like Ash) holding a Pokeball. Red/Black Wallpaper
Vaporeon firing a bubble beam. Blue Wallpaper.
Fire, Grass and Water types Pokemon Wallpaper
Pixellated Zapdos Wallpaper. Team Instinct would be proud.
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