Card Image |
No. |
Card name |
Rarity |
Card type |
H1/H32 |
Alakazam |
Card text Once during your turn (before your attack), you may move an Energy card from 1 of your Pokémon to another of your Pokémon. This power can't be used if Alakazam is affected by a Special Condition. |
H2/H32 |
Arcanine |
Card text When you play Arcanine from your hand to evolve your Active Pokémon, you may flip 3 coins. For each heads, choose a basic Energy card from your discard pile and attach it to Arcanine. |
H3/H32 |
Articuno |
Card text
You can't attach Water Energy cards from your hand to Articuno.
H4/H32 |
Beedrill |
Card text
When you play Beedrill from your hand to evolve your Active Pokémon, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed and Poisoned.
H5/H32 |
Crobat |
Card text
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may flip a coin. If heads, look at your opponent's hand. If your opponent has any Baby Pokémon, Basic Pokémon, or Evolution cards there, choose 1 of them. Your opponent shuffles that card into his or her deck. This power can't be used if Crobat is affected by a Special Condition.
H6/H32 |
Dewgong |
Card text
Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent can't attach Energy cards from his or her hand to his or her Active Pokémon during his or her next turn.
H7/H32 |
Flareon |
Card text
Whenever you attach a Fire Energy card from your hand to Flareon, remove all Special Conditions affecting Flareon.
H8/H32 |
Forretress |
Card text
Flip 2 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads. If both coins are heads, switch Forretress with 1 of your Benched Pokémon.
H9/H32 |
Gengar |
Card text
When you play Gengar from your hand to evolve your Active Pokémon, you may put a Basic Pokémon (excluding Baby Pokémon) from your discard pile onto your Bench. Then, flip 3 coins. For each heads, choose a basic Energy card from your discard pile and attach it to that Pokémon.
H10/H32 |
Gyarados |
Card text
When you play Gyarados from your hand to evolve your Active Pokémon, you may flip 2 coins. For each heads, discard an Energy card attached to the Defending Pokémon.
H11/H32 |
Houndoom |
Card text
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 20 more damage.
H12/H32 |
Jolteon |
Card text
Whenever you attach a Lightning Energy card from your hand to Jolteon, remove all Special Conditions affecting Jolteon.
H13/H32 |
Kabutops |
Card text
As long as Kabutops is your Active Pokémon, neither player can play Basic Pokémon or Evolution cards from his or her hand to evolve Benched Pokémon.
H14/H32 |
Ledian |
Card text
During your opponent's next turn, Ledian can't become affected by a Special Condition. (Any other effects of attacks, Poké-Powers, Poké-Bodies, and Trainer cards still happen.)
H15/H32 |
Machamp |
Card text
Prevent all effects of your opponent's attacks done to Machamp.
H16/H32 |
Magcargo |
Card text
Each player discards the top card of his or her deck. This attack does 20 damage plus 20 more damage for each Fire Energy card discarded in this way.
H17/H32 |
Magcargo |
Card text
When you play Magcargo from your hand to evolve your Active Pokémon, you may discard the top 3 cards of your deck and then shuffle 3 basic Energy cards from your discard pile into your deck. If you do, your opponent does the same.
H18/H32 |
Magneton |
Card text
When you play Magneton from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokémon, you may move any number of basic Energy cards attached to your other Pokémon to Magneton.
H19/H32 |
Magneton |
Card text
If Magneton and the Defending Pokémon don't have the same number of Energy cards attached to them, the player controlling the Active Pokémon with the fewest number of Energy cards attached to it switches 1 of his or her Benched Pokémon with his or her Active Pokémon.
H20/H32 |
Moltres |
Card text
You can't attach Fire Energy cards from your hand to Moltres.
H21/H32 |
Nidoqueen |
Card text
Once during your turn (before your attack), if Nidoqueen is on your Bench, you may search your deck for a card that evolves from your Active Pokémon and attach it to your Active Pokémon. (This counts as evolving that Pokémon.) Shuffle your deck afterward.
H22/H32 |
Piloswine |
Card text
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. If tails, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep.
H23/H32 |
Politoed |
Card text
Attach any number of basic Energy cards from your hand to Politoed.
H24/H32 |
Poliwrath |
Card text
Once during your turn (before your attack), if Poliwrath is your Active Pokémon, you may discard a basic Energy card attached to Poliwrath. If you do, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. This power can't be used if Poliwrath is affected by a Special Condition.
H25/H32 |
Raichu |
Card text
This attack does 20 damage to each Pokémon with a Poké-Body or Poké-Power (yours and your opponent's). (Don't apply Weakness or Resistance.)
H26/H32 |
Raikou |
Card text
To attach a Lightning Energy card from your hand to Raikou, you must discard an Energy card attached to Raikou. (Attach the Lightning energy, and then discard an Energy card from Raikou.)
H27/H32 |
Rhydon |
Card text
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 damage plus 20 more damage.
H28/H32 |
Starmie |
Card text Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage times the number of Energy attached to Starmie and the Defending Pokémon.
H29/H32 |
Steelix |
Card text
All basic Energy cards attached to Steelix provide Metal Energy instead of their usual types.
H30/H32 |
Umbreon |
Card text
As long as Umbreon is your Active Pokémon, Benched Pokémon (yours and your opponent's) can't use Poké-Powers.
H31/H32 |
Vaporeon |
Card text
Whenever you attach a Water Energy card from your hand to Vaporeon, remove all Special Conditions affecting Vaporeon.
H32/H32 |
Xatu |
Card text You may attach any Technical Machine to Xatu. |
1/144 |
Aerodactyl |
Card text
Once during your turn (before your attack), if Aerodactyl is your Active Pokémon, you may ignore all Poké-Bodies until the end of your turn. This power can't be used if Aerodactyl is affected by a Special Condition.
2/144 |
Alakazam |
Card text
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may move an Energy card from 1 of your Pokémon to another of your Pokémon. This power can't be used if Alakazam is affected by a Special Condition.
3/144 |
Arcanine |
Card text
When you play Arcanine from your hand to evolve your Active Pokémon, you may flip 3 coins. For each heads, choose a basic Energy card from your discard pile and attach it to Arcanine.
4/144 |
Articuno |
Card text
You can't attach Water Energy cards from your hand to Articuno.
5/144 |
Beedrill |
Card text
When you play Beedrill from your hand to evolve your Active Pokémon, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed and Poisoned.
6/144 |
Crobat |
Card text
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may flip a coin. If heads, look at your opponent's hand. If your opponent has any Baby Pokémon, Basic Pokémon, or Evolution cards there, choose 1 of them. Your opponent shuffles that card into his or her deck. This power can't be used if Crobat is affected by a Special Condition.
7/144 |
Dewgong |
Card text
Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent can't attach Energy cards from his or her hand to his or her Active Pokémon during his or her next turn.
8/144 |
Flareon |
Card text
Whenever you attach a Fire Energy card from your hand to Flareon, remove all Special Conditions affecting Flareon.
9/144 |
Forretress |
Card text
Flip 2 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads. If both coins are heads, switch Forretress with 1 of your Benched Pokémon.
10/144 |
Gengar |
Card text
When you play Gengar from your hand to evolve your Active Pokémon, you may put a Basic Pokémon (excluding Baby Pokémon) from your discard pile onto your Bench. Then, flip 3 coins. For each heads, choose a basic Energy card from your discard pile and attach it to that Pokémon.
11/144 |
Gyarados |
Card text
When you play Gyarados from your hand to evolve your Active Pokémon, you may flip 2 coins. For each heads, discard an Energy card attached to the Defending Pokémon.
12/144 |
Houndoom |
Card text
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 20 more damage.
13/144 |
Jolteon |
Card text
Whenever you attach a Lightning Energy card from your hand to Jolteon, remove all Special Conditions affecting Jolteon.
14/144 |
Kabutops |
Card text
As long as Kabutops is your Active Pokémon, neither player can play Basic Pokémon or Evolution cards from his or her hand to evolve Benched Pokémon.
15/144 |
Ledian |
Card text
During your opponent's next turn, Ledian can't become affected by a Special Condition. (Any other effects of attacks, Poké-Powers, Poké-Bodies, and Trainer cards still happen.)
16/144 |
Machamp |
Card text
Prevent all effects of your opponent's attacks done to Machamp.
17/144 |
Magcargo |
Card text
Each player discards the top card of his or her deck. This attack does 20 damage plus 20 more damage for each Fire Energy card discarded in this way.
18/144 |
Magcargo |
Card text
When you play Magcargo from your hand to evolve your Active Pokémon, you may discard the top 3 cards of your deck and then shuffle 3 basic Energy cards from your discard pile into your deck. If you do, your opponent does the same.
19/144 |
Magneton |
Card text
When you play Magneton from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokémon, you may move any number of basic Energy cards attached to your other Pokémon to Magneton.
20/144 |
Magneton |
Card text
If Magneton and the Defending Pokémon don't have the same number of Energy cards attached to them, the player controlling the Active Pokémon with the fewest number of Energy cards attached to it switches 1 of his or her Benched Pokémon with his or her Active Pokémon.
21/144 |
Moltres |
Card text
You can't attach Fire Energy cards from your hand to Moltres.
22/144 |
Nidoqueen |
Card text
Once during your turn (before your attack), if Nidoqueen is on your Bench, you may search your deck for a card that evolves from your Active Pokémon and attach it to your Active Pokémon. (This counts as evolving that Pokémon.) Shuffle your deck afterward.
23/144 |
Omastar |
Card text
As long as Omastar is your Active Pokémon, your opponent can't play Basic Pokémon or Evolution cards from his or her hand to evolve his or her Active Pokémon.
24/144 |
Piloswine |
Card text
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. If tails, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep.
25/144 |
Politoed |
Card text
Attach any number of basic Energy cards from your hand to Politoed.
26/144 |
Poliwrath |
Card text
Once during your turn (before your attack), if Poliwrath is your Active Pokémon, you may discard a basic Energy card attached to Poliwrath. If you do, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. This power can't be used if Poliwrath is affected by a Special Condition.
27/144 |
Raichu |
Card text
This attack does 20 damage to each Pokémon with a Poké-Body or Poké-Power (yours and your opponent's). (Don't apply Weakness or Resistance.)
28/144 |
Raikou |
Card text
To attach a Lightning Energy card from your hand to Raikou, you must discard an Energy card attached to Raikou. (Attach the Lightning energy, and then discard an Energy card from Raikou.)
29/144 |
Rhydon |
Card text
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 damage plus 20 more damage.
30/144 |
Starmie |
Card text
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage times the number of Energy attached to Starmie and the Defending Pokémon.
31/144 |
Steelix |
Card text
All basic Energy cards attached to Steelix provide Metal Energy instead of their usual types.
32/144 |
Umbreon |
Card text
As long as Umbreon is your Active Pokémon, Benched Pokémon (yours and your opponent's) can't use Poké-Powers.
33/144 |
Vaporeon |
Card text
Whenever you attach a Water Energy card from your hand to Vaporeon, remove all Special Conditions affecting Vaporeon.
34/144 |
Wigglytuff |
Card text
Once during your turn (before your attack), if Wigglytuff is on your Bench, you may flip a coin. If heads, each player removes up to 2 damage counters from his or her Active Pokémon. This power can't be used if you have already used another Wigglytuff's Good Neighbor Poké-Power this turn.
35/144 |
Xatu |
Card text
You may attach any Technical Machine to Xatu.
36/144 |
Electrode |
Card text
If there are any Lightning Energy cards in your discard pile, flip a coin. If heads, attach 1 of them to Electrode.
37/144 |
Kabuto |
Card text
All damage done by attacks to Kabuto from Evolved Pokémon is reduced by 10 (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
38/144 |
Machoke |
Card text
During your next turn, Machoke's Mega Punch attack's base damage is 80.
39/144 |
Misdreavus |
Card text
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep.
40/144 |
Noctowl |
Card text
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may look at the top 2 cards of any player's deck or at up to 2 of any player's Prizes. Put any cards you looked at back in the same order. This power can't be used if Noctowl is affected by a Special Condition.
41/144 |
Omanyte |
Card text
Put an Omastar from your hand onto Omanyte. This counts as evolving Omanyte.
42/144 |
Persian |
Card text
Flip a coin. If heads, look at your opponent's hand. If he or she has any Trainer cards there, choose 1 of them. You opponent shuffles that card into his or her deck.
43/144 |
Piloswine |
Card text
Flip 4 coins. This attack does 30 damage plus 20 more damage for each heads. Put a damage counter on Piloswine for each heads.
44/144 |
Starmie |
Card text
This attack does 10 damage plus 20 more damage for each Water Energy attached to Starmie but not used to pay for this attack's Energy cost. You can't add more than 40 damage in this way.
45/144 |
Wobbuffet |
Card text
If Wobbuffet becomes Poisoned or Burned by the Defending Pokémon's attack during your opponent's turn, the Defending Pokémon becomes affected by the same Special Condition.
46/144 |
Abra |
Card text
As long as there is a Psychic Energy card attached to Abra, its Retreat Cost is 0.
47/144 |
Buried Fossil |
Card text
Once during your turn (before your attack), if you have a basic Energy card in your hand, you may search your deck for an Omanyte or Kabuto card, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Then put a basic Energy card from your hand into your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward
48/144 |
Cleffa |
Card text
Shuffle a basic Energy card from your discard pile into your deck.
49/144 |
Delibird |
Card text
Search your deck for a Technical Machine or Pokémon Tool card, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.
50/144 |
Diglett |
Card text
Flip a coin. If heads, prevent all damage done by attacks to Diglett during your opponent's next turn. (Any other effects of attacks still happen.)
51/144 |
Ditto |
Card text Each basic Energy card attached to Ditto provides every type of Energy but provides only 1 Energy at a time. |
52/144 |
Dugtrio |
Card text
Flip a coin. If heads, prevent all damage done by attacks to Dugtrio during your opponent's next turn. (Any other effects of attacks still happen.)
53/144 |
Dunsparce |
Card text
As long as the Defending Pokémon is an Evolved Pokémon, Dunsparce's Retreat Cost is 0.
54/144 |
Eevee |
Card text
Eevee does 10 damage to itself.
55/144 |
Farfetch'd |
Card text
Your opponent switches the Defending Pokémon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokémon.
56/144 |
Forretress |
Card text
All damage done by attacks to Forretress is reduced by 10 (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
57/144 |
Gastly |
Card text Put a damage counter on the Defending Pokémon. |
58/144 |
Girafarig |
Card text Take a basic Energy card attached to 1 of your Pokémon and attach it to another of your Pokémon. |
59/144 |
Gligar |
Card text Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. If tails, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. |
60/144 |
Golbat |
Card text Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. If tails, the Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. |
61/144 |
Granbull |
Card text Your opponent switches the Defending Pokémon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokémon, if any. (Do the damage before switching the Pokémon.) |
62/144 |
Growlithe |
Card text Flip 2 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads. |
63/144 |
Haunter |
Card text Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. |
64/144 |
Heracross |
Card text If there are 4 or more damage counters on Heracross, this attack's base damage is 50 instead of 30. |
65/144 |
Hoothoot |
Card text The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep. |
66/144 |
Houndour |
Card text This attack does 10 damage times the number of damage counters on Houndour. |
67/144 |
Igglybuff |
Card text Choose 1 of your Pokémon with an Energy card attached to it. Remove 1 damage counter from that Pokémon. |
68/144 |
Jigglypuff |
Card text Remove 1 damage counter from Jigglypuff. |
69/144 |
Kadabra |
Card text The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep. |
70/144 |
Kakuna |
Card text All damage done by attacks to Kakuna is reduced by 10 (after applying Weakness and Resistance). |
71/144 |
Lapras |
Card text Search your deck for a Supporter card, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. |
72/144 |
Ledyba |
Card text During your opponent's next turn, any damage done to Ledyba by attacks is reduced by 20. |
73/144 |
Ledyba |
Card text Flip 2 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads. |
74/144 |
Machop |
Card text Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing. |
75/144 |
Magikarp |
Card text Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for a card that evolves from Magikarp, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. |
76/144 |
Magnemite |
Card text Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. |
77/144 |
Mantine |
Card text Flip 2 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. |
78/144 |
Meowth |
Card text Flip a coin. If heads, look at your opponent's hand. If he or she has any Energy cards there, choose 1 of them. Your opponent shuffles that card into his or her deck. |
79/144 |
Murkrow |
Card text Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokémon. Put a damage counter on that Pokémon. |
80/144 |
Natu |
Card text Look at the top 3 cards of either player's deck and rearrange them as you like. |
81/144 |
Nidoran♀ |
Card text Search your deck for a Basic Pokémon card named Nidoran ♂ or Nidoran ♀ and put it onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward. (You can't use this attack if your Bench is full.) |
82/144 |
Nidoran♀ |
Card text The Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. |
83/144 |
Nidorina |
Card text Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. |
84/144 |
Pikachu |
Card text Discard all Lightning Energy cards attached to Pikachu. This attack does 20 damage plus 10 more damage for each Energy card discarded in this way. |
85/144 |
Pineco |
Card text Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing. |
86/144 |
Pineco |
Card text Pineco does 10 damage to itself. |
87/144 |
Poliwag |
Card text The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep. |
88/144 |
Poliwhirl |
Card text Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. If tails, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep. |
89/144 |
Raticate |
Card text Flip 3 coins. If you get 1 heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage. If you get 2 heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 30 more damage. If you get 3 heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 60 more damage. |
90/144 |
Rattata |
Card text Search your deck for a Baby Pokémon or Basic Pokémon card and put it onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward. (You can't use this attack it your Bench is full.) |
91/144 |
Rhyhorn |
Card text This attack does 10 damage times the number of damage counters on Rhyhorn. |
92/144 |
Sandshrew |
Card text Flip 2 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. |
93/144 |
Sandslash |
Card text If your opponent has any Benched Pokémon, choose up to 2 of them. This attack does 10 damage to each of them. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) |
94/144 |
Seel |
Card text Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep. |
95/144 |
Seel |
Card text Flip 2 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. |
96/144 |
Shuckle |
Card text All damage done by attacks to Shuckle is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance). |
97/144 |
Skarmory |
Card text Flip 2 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. |
98/144 |
Slugma |
Card text Discard a Fire Energy card attached to Slugma in order to use this attack. The Defending Pokémon is now Burned. |
99/144 |
Slugma |
Card text The Defending Pokémon is now Burned. |
100/144 |
Snorlax |
Card text Once during your turn (before your attack), if Snorlax is your Active Pokémon, you may remove 1 damage counter from Snorlax. Snorlax is now Asleep. This power can't be used if Snorlax is affected by a Special Condition. |
101/144 |
Snubbull |
Card text Flip a coin. If heads, until the end of your opponent's next turn the Defending Pokémon can't attack or retreat. |
102/144 |
Stantler |
Card text Flip a coin. If heads, look at your opponent's hand. If he or she has any Trainer cards there, choose 1 of them. Your opponent shuffles that card into his or her deck. |
103/144 |
Staryu |
Card text Remove 2 damage counters from Staryu for each Energy attached to it. If it has fewer damage counters than that, remove all of them. |
104/144 |
Staryu |
Card text Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. |
105/144 |
Sunflora |
Card text Search your deck for a basic Energy card and attach it to 1 of your Pokémon. Shuffle your deck afterward. |
106/144 |
Sunkern |
Card text If there are any damage counters on Sunkern, remove 1 of them. |
107/144 |
Swinub |
Card text Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. If tails, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep. |
108/144 |
Swinub |
Card text If your opponent has any Benched Pokémon, flip a coin. If heads, choose 1 of them and this attack does 10 damage to it. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) |
109/144 |
Teddiursa |
Card text Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing. |
110/144 |
Ursaring |
Card text The Defending Pokémon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn. |
111/144 |
Venomoth |
Card text Flip 2 coins. For each heads, remove 1 damage counter from each of your Pokémon. If a Pokémon has fewer damage counters than the number of heads, remove all of them. |
112/144 |
Venonat |
Card text Flip 2 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. |
113/144 |
Voltorb |
Card text If your opponent has any Benched Pokémon, choose 1 of them and switch it with the Defending Pokémon. |
114/144 |
Weedle |
Card text Flip 3 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. |
115/144 |
Weedle |
Card text Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. |
116/144 |
Yanma |
Card text Flip a coin. If heads, during your opponent's next turn, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Yanma. |
117/144 |
Zubat |
Card text Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. |
118/144 |
Zubat |
Card text The Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. |
119/144 |
Ancient Ruins |
T[st] |
Card text Once during each player's turn (before he or she attacks), if he or she has not played a Supporter card, that player may reveal his or her hand to his or her opponent. If that player reveals his or her hand and there is no Supporter card there, that player draws a card. |
120/144 |
Relic Hunter |
T[Su] |
Card text Search your deck for up to 2 Stadium and/or Supporter cards, show them to your opponent, and put them into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. |
121/144 |
Apricorn Maker |
T[Su] |
Card text Search your deck for up to 2 Trainer cards with Ball in their names, show them to your opponent, and put them into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. |
122/144 |
Crystal Shard |
T[Tool] |
Card text As long as this card is attached to a Pokémon, that Pokémon's type (color) is Colorless. If that Pokémon attacks, discard this card at the end of the turn. |
123/144 |
Desert Shaman |
T[Su] |
Card text Shuffle your hand into your deck and draw up to 4 cards. Your opponent does the same. |
124/144 |
Fast Ball |
T |
Card text Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal an Evolution card. Show that card to your opponent and put it into your hand. Shuffle the other revealed cards into your deck. (If you don't reveal an Evolution card, shuffle all the revealed cards back into your deck.) |
125/144 |
Fisherman |
T[Su] |
Card text You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn (before your attack). |
126/144 |
Friend Ball |
T |
Card text Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokémon. Search your deck for a Baby Pokémon, Basic Pokémon, or Evolution card of the same type (color), show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. |
127/144 |
Hyper Potion |
T |
Card text Choose 1 of your Pokémon. Discard 1 or 2 basic Energy cards attached to that Pokémon. If you discarded 1 Energy card, remove up to 3 damage counters from that Pokémon. If you discarded 2 Energy cards, remove up to 5 damage counters from that Pokémon. |
128/144 |
Lure Ball |
T |
Card text Flip 3 coins. For each heads, choose an Evolution card from your discard pile, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. |
129/144 |
Miracle Sphere α |
T[TM] |
Card text If the Pokémon using this attack has Fire and Lightning basic Energy cards attached to it, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. If the Pokémon using this attack has Fire and Fighting basic Energy cards attached to it, this attack does 30 damage plus 10 more damage and removes 3 damage counters from the Pokémon that Miracle Sphere α is attached to. |
130/144 |
Miracle Sphere β |
T[TM] |
Card text If the Pokémon using this attack has Fire and Water basic Energy cards attached to it, this attack does 30 damage plus 10 more damage and the Defending Pokémon is now Burned. If the Pokémon using this attack has Water and Psychic basic Energy cards attached to it, choose an Energy card attached to the Defending Pokémon, if any, and your opponent shuffles that card into his or her deck. |
131/144 |
Miracle Sphere γ |
T[TM] |
Card text If the Pokémon using this attack has Grass and Lightning basic Energy cards attached to it, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep and Poisoned. If the Pokémon using this attack has Water and Lightning basic Energy cards attached to it, this attack does 30 damage plus 10 more damage and lets you put 1 damage counter on each of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. |
132/144 |
Mirage Stadium |
T[Tool] |
Card text Whenever a player tries to retreat a Pokémon during his or her turn, that player flips a coin. If heads, that player retreats that Pokémon (and discards Energy normally). If tails, that Pokémon can't retreat this turn (the player doesn't discard any Energy). |
133/144 |
Mystery Plate α |
T[St] |
Card text If your opponent has 5 or more Prizes, search your deck for a Trainer card, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. If your opponent has only 1 Prize, the Defending Pokémon is now Burned, Paralyzed, and Poisoned. |
134/144 |
Mystery Plate β |
T[TM] |
Card text If your opponent has 5 or more Prizes, draw 3 cards. If your opponent has only 1 Prize, choose 2 Energy cards attached to the Defending Pokémon (1 if there is only 1). Your opponent shuffles those cards into his or her deck. |
135/144 |
Mystery Plate γ |
T[TM] |
Card text If your opponent has 5 or more Prizes, shuffle your hand into your deck and then draw 6 cards. If your opponent has exactly 2 Prizes, choose 1 of your opponent's Evolved Pokémon. Your opponent puts the top card on that Evolved Pokémon on the bottom of his or her deck. (This counts as devolving that Pokémon.) |
136/144 |
Mystery Plate δ |
T[TM] |
Card text If your opponent has 5 or more Prizes, search your deck for up to 3 basic Energy cards, show them to your opponent, and put them into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. If your opponent has exactly 2 Prizes, remove all damage counters from 1 of your Pokémon. |
137/144 |
Mystery Zone |
T[St] |
Card text Once during each player's turn (before he or she attacks), if that player has an Evolution card in his or her hand, he or she may search his or her deck for a basic Energy card, shows it to his or her opponent, and puts it into his or her hand. Then that player chooses an Evolution card from his or her hand, shows it to his or her opponent, and puts it into his or her deck. That player shuffles his or her deck afterward. |
138/144 |
Oracle |
T[Su] |
Card text Choose 2 cards from your deck and shuffle the rest of your deck. Put the chosen cards on top of your deck in any order. |
139/144 |
Star Piece |
T[Tool] |
Card text At any time between turns, if the Pokémon this card is attached to is Benched and has 2 or more damage counters on it, search your deck for an Evolution card that Pokémon evolves into and put it on top of that Pokémon. (This counts as evolving that Pokémon.) Shuffle your deck afterward. Then, discard Star Piece. |
140/144 |
Underground Expedition |
T[Su] |
Card text Look at the bottom 4 cards of your deck. Put 2 of those cards into your hand, and then return the remaining cards to the bottom of your deck in any order. |
141/144 |
Underground Lake |
T[St] |
Card text Once during each player's turn, that player may put an Omanyte or Kabuto card from his or her discard pile onto his or her Bench. (Cards put on the Bench this way are considered Basic Pokémon.) |
142/144 |
Bounce Energy |
E |
Card text You can attach this card to your Pokémon that has basic Energy cards attached to it. |
143/144 |
Cyclone Energy |
E |
Card text When you play this card from your hand and attach it to your Active Pokémon, your opponent's switches his or her Active Pokémon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokémon. |
144/144 |
Retro Energy |
E |
Card text When you play this card from your hand and attach it to 1 of your Evolved Pokémon, you may remove up to 2 damage counters from that Pokémon and discard the top card from it. (This counts as devolving it.) |
145/144 |
Celebi |
Card text Whenever you attach a Grass, Water, or Psychic basic Energy card from your hand to Celebi, Celebi's type (color) becomes the same as that type of Energy until the end of the turn. |
146/144 |
Charizard |
Card text Whenever you attach a Fire, Lightning, or Fighting basic Energy card from your hand to Charizard, Charizard's type (color) becomes the same as that type of Energy until the end of the turn. |
147/144 |
Crobat |
Card text Whenever you attach a Grass, Fire, or Psychic basic Energy card from your hand to Crobat, Crobat's type (color) becomes the same as that type of Energy until the end of the turn. |
148/144 |
Golem |
Card text Whenever you attach a Grass, Fire, or Fighting basic Energy card from your hand to Golem, Golem's type (color) becomes the same as that type of Energy until the end of the turn. |
149/144 |
Ho-Oh |
Card text Whenever you attach a Fire, Water, or Lightning basic Energy card from your hand to Ho-Oh, Ho-Oh's type (color) becomes the same as that type of Energy until the end of the turn. |
150/144 |
Kabutops |
Card text Whenever you attach a Water, Lightning, or Fighting basic Energy card from your hand to Kabutops, Kabutops's type (color) becomes the same as that type of Energy until the end of the turn. |