Pokemon: XYZ Season 19
General information | ||
Episodes | 48 TV Episodes 48 Video Release Episodes |
Series | X & Y Series | |
Region | Kalos | |
Previous season | X & Y: Kalos Quest | |
Following season | Pokemon Sun & Moon | |
First Episode | From A to Z! | |
Last Episode | The Legend of X, Y & Z! | |
Related Movie(s) | Volcanion & The Mechanical Marvel |
Official Description
Follow Ash, Pikachu, and their friends as they explore the deepest mysteries of the Kalos region! Team Flare has plans for the Legendary Pokémon Zygarde and the secret it holds. Alain’s ongoing search for the source of Mega Evolution intersects with our heroes’ adventures. And true to Gym Leader Olympia’s prediction, Ash and his Frogadier will work together to reach surprising new heights! Journey into uncharted territory with this exciting season of Pokémon animation!Episode List
Picture | Episode # (Season) |
Episode # (Overall) |
Episode name (Intl / Japan) |
Air dates (Intl / Japan) |
Synopsis |
1 | E# 889 J# 895 |
"From A to Z!" "Z Bakutan! Karosu ni Hisomu Mono!!" (Z爆誕!カロスに潜む者!!) (Z's Explosive Birth! What Lurks in Kalos!!) |
February 20, 2016 October 29, 2015 |
2 | E# 890 J# 896 |
"Love Strikes! Eevee, Yikes!" "Nekketsu Haribōgu! Nerawareta Puni-chan!!" (熱血ハリボーグ!狙われたプニちゃん!!) (The Hot-blooded Hariborg! Puni-chan is Being Targeted!!) |
February 27, 2016 November 5, 2015 |
3 | E# 891 J# 897 |
"A Giga Battle With Mega Results!" "Mega Tabunne VS Giga Giga Nyāsu!!" (メガタブンネVSギガギガニャース!!) (Mega Tabunne VS Giga Giga Nyarth!!) |
March 5, 2016 November 12, 2015 |
4 | E# 892 J# 898 |
"A Fiery Rite of Passage!" "Shishiko to Kaenjishi! Honō no tabidachi!!" (シシコとカエンジシ!炎の旅立ち!!) (Shishiko and Kaenjishi! A Fiery Departure) |
March 12, 2016 November 19, 2015 |
5 | E# 893 J# 899 |
"Dream a Little Dream from Me!" "Pikachu, Puni-chan no yume o miru!" (ピカチュウ、プニちゃんの夢を見る!) (Pikachu, the Dreams Seen of Puni-chan!) |
March 19, 2016 November 26, 2015 |
6 | E# 894 J# 900 |
"The Legend of the Ninja Hero!" "Yōkoso ninja-mura e! Eiyū Gekkouga no densetsu!!" (ようこそ忍者村へ!英雄ゲッコウガの伝説!!) (Welcome to the Ninja Village! The Legend of the Heroic Gekkouga!!) |
March 26, 2016 December 3, 2015 |
7 | E# 895 J# 901 |
"A Festival of Decisions!" "Ninja-mura kessen! Gekogashira tai Kirikizan!!" (忍者村決戦!ゲコガシラ対キリキザン!!) (Decisive Battle in the Ninja Village! Gekogashira VS Kirikizan!!) |
April 2, 2016 December 10, 2015 |
8 | E# 896 J# 902 |
"A Dancing Debut!" "Odore Ībui! ToraiPokaron Debyū!!" (踊れイーブイ!トライポカロン・デビュー!!) (Dance, Eievui! Its TryPokaron Debut!!) |
April 9, 2016 December 17, 2015 |
9 | E# 897 J# 903 |
"Meeting at Terminus Cave!" "Tsui no Dōkutsu! Ugokidashita Z no Nazo!!" (ついの洞窟!動き出したZの謎!!) (Terminus Cave! The Mystery of Z is Set in Motion!!) |
April 16, 2016 December 24, 2015 |
10 | E# 898 J# 904 |
"A Cellular Connection!" "Yurīka to Puni-chan!" (ユリーカとプニちゃん!) (Eureka and Puni-chan!) |
April 23, 2016 January 14, 2016 |
11 | E# 899 J# 905 |
"A Windswept Encounter!" "Onbatto to Furaette! Kaze no naka no meguriai!!" (オンバットとフラエッテ!風の中のめぐりあい!!) (Onbat and Flaette! An Encounter in the Wind!!) |
April 30, 2016 January 21, 2016 |
12 | E# 900 J# 906 |
"Party Dancecapades!" "Satoshi to Serena! Dansu pāti de getto da ze!!" (サトシとセレナ!ダンスパーティでゲットだぜ!!) (Satoshi and Serena! Get One at the Dance Party!!) |
May 7, 2016 January 28, 2016 |
13 | E# 901 J# 907 |
"A Meeting of Two Journeys!" "Saikyō mega batoru! Gekkouga VS Mega Rizādon!!" (最強メガバトル!ゲッコウガVSメガリザードン!!) (The Strongest Mega Battle! Gekkouga VS Mega Lizardon!!) |
May 14, 2016 February 4, 2016 |
14 | E# 902 J# 908 |
"An Explosive Operation!" "Bakuretsu Gurando Fōsu! Jigarude hokaku sakusen!!" (爆裂グランドフォース!ジガルデ捕獲作戦!!) (The Explosive Ground Force! Operation: Capture Zygarde!!) |
May 21, 2016 February 11, 2016 |
15 | E# 903 J# 909 |
"A Watershed Moment!" "Kōya no Burigaron! Ki wo ueru Robon!!" (荒野のブリガロン!木を植えるロボン!!) (A Brigarron from the Wilderness! The Tree-Planting Robon!!) |
May 28, 2016 February 18, 2016 |
16 | E# 904 J# 910 |
"Master Class Choices!" "Masutā Kurasu e no shiren! Dō suru Serena!?" (マスタークラスへの試練!どうするセレナ!?) (The Master Class Trial! What Will You Do, Serena!?) |
June 4, 2016 February 25, 2016 |
17 | E# 905 J# 911 |
"An Electrifying Rage!" "Sandā to Onbān! Ikari no raigeki!!" (サンダーとオンバーン!怒りの雷撃!!) (Thunder and Onvern! The Angry Lightning Strike!!) |
June 11, 2016 March 3, 2016 |
18 | E# 906 J# 912 |
"Unlocking Some Respect!" "Refuto to Raito! Yureru kokoro no Kametete!!" (レフトとライト!揺れる心のカメテテ!!) (Left and Right! The Swaying Heart of Kametete!!) |
June 18, 2016 March 10, 2016 |
19 | E# 907 J# 913 |
"Master Class is in Session!" "Masutā Kurasu kaimaku! Hibana chiru otome no gekitō!!" (マスタークラス開幕!火花散る乙女の激闘!!) (The Master Class Begins! A Maiden's Fierce Fight Where Sparks Fly!!) |
June 25, 2016 March 17, 2016 |
20 | E# 908 J# 914 |
"Performing a Pathway to the Future!" "Eru VS Serena! Ake mirai e no tobira!!" (エルVSセレナ!開け未来への扉!!) (Elle VS Serena! Open the Door to the Future!!) |
July 2, 2016 March 24, 2016 |
21 | E# 909 J# 915 |
"A Keeper for Keeps?!" "Shitoron no hanayome!? Yurīka no Shiru-bu-pure panikku!!" (シトロンの花嫁!?ユリーカのシルブプレパニック!!) (A Bride for Citron!? Eureka's S'il-vous-plaît Panic!!) |
July 9, 2016 April 7, 2016 |
22 | E# 910 J# 916 |
"Battling at Full Volume!" "Serena, Satoshi ni naru! Saikyō Pikachū taiketsu!!" (セレナ、サトシになる!最強ピカチュウ対決!!) (Serena Becomes Satoshi! The Ultimate Pikachu Showdown!!) |
July 16, 2016 April 14, 2016 |
23 | E# 911 J# 917 |
"The Synchronicity Test!" "Satoshi to Aran! Gekkouga VS Mega Rizādon futatabi!!" (サトシとアラン!ゲッコウガVSメガリザードンふたたび!!) (Satoshi and Alan! Gekkouga VS Mega Lizardon Once Again!!) |
July 23, 2016 April 21, 2016 |
24 | E# 912 J# 918 |
"Making Friends and Influencing Villains!" "Mori no noroi to shiroi Bokurē!" (森の呪いと白いボクレー!) (The Forest's Curse and the White Bokurei!) |
July 30, 2016 April 28, 2016 |
25 | E# 913 J# 919 |
"Championing a Research Battle!" "Satoshi tai chanpion Karune! VS Mega Sānaito!!" (サトシ対チャンピオン・カルネ!VSメガサーナイト!!) (Satoshi VS Champion Carnet! VS Mega Sirnight!!) |
August 6, 2016 May 5, 2016 |
26 | E# 914 J# 920 |
"A Full Strength Battle Surprise!" "Raibaru taiketsu! Satoshi VS Shōta!!" (ライバル対決!サトシVSショータ!!) (Rival Showdown! Satoshi VS Shōta!!) |
August 13, 2016 May 12, 2016 |
27 | E# 915 J# 921 |
"All Hail the Ice Battlefield!" "Eisetsu Jimu Sen! Kōri no batorufīrudo!!" (エイセツジム戦!氷のバトルフィールド!!) (Eisetsu Gym Battle! Battlefield of Ice!!) |
August 20, 2016 May 19, 2016 |
28 | E# 916 J# 922 |
"Seeing the Forest For the Trees!" "Mayoi no Mori...Shinka no Yoake!!" (迷いの森・・・進化の夜明け!) (The Winding Woods...The Dawn of Evolution!!) |
August 27, 2016 May 26, 2016 |
29 | E# 917 J# 923 |
"A Real Icebreaker!" "Satoshi-Gekkouga VS Mega Yukinō'o!! Hatsudō kyodai mizu shuriken!!" (サトシゲッコウガVSメガユキノオー!発動巨大水手裏剣!!) (Satoshi-Gekkouga VS Mega Yukinooh! The Giant Water Shuriken Triggers!!) |
September 3, 2016 June 2, 2016 |
30 | E# 918 J# 924 |
"A Diamond in the Rough!" "Find Melecie! Numelgon and Dedenne!!" (メレシーを探せ!ヌメルゴンとデデンネ!!) (Find Melecie! Numelgon and Dedenne!!) |
September 10, 2016 June 9, 2016 |
31 | E# 919 J# 925 |
"A Gaggle of Gadget Greatness!" "The Explosive Heat at the Mechanical Festival!!" (爆熱の機巧(からくり)フェスティバル!!) (The Explosive Heat at the Mechanical Festival!!) |
September 17, 2016 June 16, 2016 |
32 | E# 920 J# 926 |
"A League of His Own!" "The Kalos League Begins! The Mega Lizardon Showdown: X VS Y!!" (カロスリーグ開幕!メガリザードン対決・X対Y!!) (The Kalos League Begins! The Mega Lizardon Showdown: X VS Y!!) |
September 24, 2016 June 30, 2016 |
33 | E# 921 J# 927 |
"Valuable Experience for All!" "Mega Jukain VS Raichu! Received Some Experience Points!!" (メガジュカイン対ライチュウ!経験値いただきます!!) (Mega Jukain VS Raichu! Received Some Experience Points!!) |
October 1, 2016 July 7, 2016 |
34 | E# 922 J# 928 |
"Analysis Versus Passion!" "The Semifinal Full Battle! Satoshi VS Shota!!" (準決勝フルバトル!サトシ対ショータ!!) (The Semifinal Full Battle! Satoshi Vs Shota!!) |
October 8, 2016 July 21, 2016 |
35 | E# 923 J# 929 |
"A Riveting Rivalry!" "Decisive Rival Battle! Satoshi-Gekkouga VS Mega Jukain!!" (ライバル決戦!サトシゲッコウガVSメガジュカイン!!) (Decisive Rival Battle! Satoshi-Gekkouga Vs Mega Jukain!!) |
October 15, 2016 July 28, 2016 |
36 | E# 924 J# 930 |
"Kalos League Passion with a Certain Flare!" "Fierce Fighting at the Kalos League! Gather, All of My Passion!!" (激闘カロスリーグ!集え、すべての熱き想いよ!!) (Fierce Fighting at the Kalos League! Gather, All of My Passion!!) |
October 22, 2016 August 4, 2016 |
37 | E# 925 J# 931 |
"Finals Not for the Faint-Hearted!" "Kalos League Finale! Satoshi vs Alan!" (決勝戦!サトシ対アラン!!) (Kalos League Finale! Satoshi vs Alan!) |
October 29, 2016 August 11, 2016 |
38 | E# 926 J# 932 |
"Down to the Fiery Finish!" "Kalos League Victory! Satoshi's Greatest Decisive Battle!" (カロスリーグ優勝!サトシ頂上決戦!!) (Kalos League Victory! Satoshi's Greatest Decisive Battle!) |
November 5, 2016 August 18, 2016 |
39 | E# 927 J# 933 |
"A Towering Takeover!" "Shōgeki Furea-dan! Purizumu tawā no Jigarude!!" (襲撃フレア団!プリズムタワーのジガルデ!!) (Flare Gang Attack! The Zygarde at the Prism Tower!!) |
November 12, 2016 August 25, 2016 |
40 | E# 928 J# 934 |
"Coming Apart at the Dreams!" "Shōgeki Jigarude tai Jigarude! Kowareyuku sekai!!" (衝撃ジガルデ対ジガルデ!壊れゆく世界!!) (The Shocking Zygarde VS Zygarde! The Collapsing World!!) |
November 19, 2016 September 1, 2016 |
41 | E# 929 J# 935 |
"The Right Hero for the Right Job!" "Totsugeki Miare Jimu! Shitoroido yo ēen ni!!" (突撃ミアレジム!シトロイドよ永遠に!!) (Attack on Miare Gym! Citroid Forever!!) |
December 3, 2016 September 8, 2016 |
42 | E# 930 J# 936 |
"Rocking Kalos Defenses!" "Shingeki-suru kyoseki! Karosu bōēsen!!" (進撃する巨石!カロス防衛線!!) (The Megalith Moves Forward! The Kalos Line of Defense!!) |
December 10, 2016 September 15, 2016 |
43 | E# 931 J# 937 |
"Forming a More Perfect Union!" "Hangeki no Jigarude! Karosu saishō kessen!!" (反撃のジガルデ!カロス最終決戦!!) (The Zygarde Counterattack! The Final Decisive Battle of Kalos!!) |
December 17, 2016 September 15, 2016 |
44 | E# 932 J# 938 |
"Battling With a Clean Slate!" "Hajimari wa Zero! Shitoroido no Ketsudan!!" (はじまりはゼロ!シトロンの決断!!) (Starting from Zero! Citron's Decision!!) |
December 24, 2016 October 6, 2016 |
45 | E# 933 J# 939 |
"The First Day of the Rest of Your Life!" "Satoshi to Rasuto Batoru! Serena no Sentaku!!" (サトシとラストバトル!セレナの選択!!) (One Last Battle with Satoshi! Serena's Choice!!) |
January 7, 2017 October 13, 2016 |
46 | E# 934 J# 940 |
"Facing the Needs of the Many!" "Saraba Satoshi Gekkouga! Xerosicy no gyakushū" (さらばサトシゲッコウガ!クセロシキの逆襲) (Farewell, Satoshi Gekkouga! Xerosicy Strikes Back) |
January 14, 2017 October 20, 2016 |
47 | E# 935 J# 941 |
"Till We Compete Again!" "Owari naki zero! Mata au hi made!!" (終わりなきゼロ! また逢う日まで!!) (A Zero With No End! Till the Day We Meet Again!!) |
January 21, 2017 October 27, 2016 |
N/A | E# N/A J# N/A |
"The Legend of X, Y, and Z!" "XYZ no densetsu!" (XYZの伝説!) (XYZ's Legend!) |
January 28, 2017 November 3, 2016 |
Ash's Travelling Companions
Key Events & Gym Battles
Events of noteGym battles
Pokemon: Captures, Changes, Encounters & Evolutions
New Pokemon captured by Ash & Other Characters
Pokemon released back into the wild
There were a number of occasions where either Ash or another character released a captured Pokémon back into the wild for one reason or another
We see the following Pokémon evolutions take place during this season
TV Broadcasts & Original Airing Dates
Trivia & Facts
DVD & Blu-Ray / Streaming