Pokemon Diamond & Pearl: Galactic Battles Season 12
General information | ||
Episodes | 52 TV Episodes 52 Video Release Episodes |
Series | Diamond & Pearl Series | |
Region | Sinnoh | |
Previous season | Battle Dimension | |
Following season | Sinnoh League Victors | |
First Episode | Get Your Rotom Running! | |
Last Episode | Gotta Get a Gible! | |
Related Movie(s) | Arceus & The Jewel of Life |
Official Description
As the menace of Team Galactic continues to loom over the Sinnoh region, Ash and Dawn keep getting caught up in the schemes of this mysterious group of villains—as well as facing some other unexpected challenges! Dawn’s got her hands full dealing with the many problems of her Pokémon, while Ash’s ongoing rivalry with Paul finally comes to a head in a full 6-on-6 battle! It might be the ultimate test of training styles—will our heroes come out on top?Episode List
Picture | Episode # (Season) |
Episode # (Overall) |
Episode name (Intl / Japan) |
Air dates (Intl / Japan) |
Synopsis |
1 | E# 568 J# 573 |
"Get Your Rotom Running!" "Yōkan to Rotomu!" (羊羹とロトム!) (Yōkan and Rotom!) |
May 9, 2009 December 4, 2008 |
2 | E# 569 J# 574 |
"A Breed Stampede!" "Pokemon to Nakayokunaru Hōhō!?" (ポケモンと仲良くなる方法!?) (The Way to Befriend Pokémon!?) |
May 16, 2009 December 11, 2008 |
3 | E# 570 J# 575 |
"Ancient Family Matters!" "Ramuparudo Tai Toridepusu!!" (ラムパルドVSトリデプス!!) (Rampald vs. Torideps!!) |
May 23, 2009 December 18, 2008 |
4 | E# 571 J# 576 |
"Dealing with Defensive Types!" "Mio Jimu Sen! Hagane no Batoru!!" (ミオジム戦!はがねのバトル!!) (Mio Gym Battle! Steel Battle!!) |
May 30, 2009 December 25, 2008 |
5 | E# 572 J# 577 |
"Leading a Stray!" "Maigo no Hoeruko!" (迷子のホエルコ!) (The Stray Hoeruko!) |
June 6, 2009 January 8, 2009 |
6 | E# 573 J# 578 |
"Steeling Peace of Mind!" "Gen to Rukario!" (ゲンとルカリオ!) (Gen and Lucario!) |
June 13, 2009 January 15, 2009 |
7 | E# 574 J# 579 |
"Saving the World from Ruins!" "Kōtetsu Shima no Iseki!" (鋼鉄島の遺跡!) (Ruins of Steel Island!) |
June 20, 2009 January 22, 2009 |
8 | E# 575 J# 580 |
"Cheers on Castaways Isle!" "Pikachū, Potchama Hyōryūki!" (ピカチュウ・ポッチャマ漂流記!) (The Pikachu-Pochama Drifting Chronicle!) |
June 27, 2009 January 29, 2009 |
9 | E# 576 J# 581 |
"Hold the Phione!" "Itazura Fione!" (いたずらフィオネ!) (Mischievous Phione!) |
July 4, 2009 February 5, 2009 |
10 | E# 577 J# 582 |
"Another One Gabites the Dust!" "Pokemon Kontesuto! Akebi Taikai!!" (ポケモンコンテスト!アケビ大会!!) (Pokémon Contest! Akebi Tournament!!) |
July 11, 2009 February 12, 2009 |
11 | E# 578 J# 583 |
"Stealing the Conversation!" "Wairudo Junsā to Aibō Perappu!" (ワイルドジュンサーと相棒ペラップ!) (Wild Junsar and Partner Perap!) |
July 18, 2009 February 19, 2009 |
12 | E# 579 J# 584 |
"The Drifting Snorunt!" "Fubuki no Naka no Yukimenoko!" (吹雪の中のユキメノコ!) (Yukimenoko in a Snowstorm!) |
July 25, 2009 February 26, 2009 |
13 | E# 580 J# 585 |
"Noodles! Roamin' Off!" "Roketto-dan Kaisan!?" (ロケット団解散!?) (Team Rocket Breakup!?) |
August 1, 2009 March 5, 2009 |
14 | E# 581 J# 586 |
"Pursuing a Lofty Goal!" "Pokeringa! Tenkū Daikessen!!" (ポケリンガ!天空大決戦!!) (PokéRinger! Big Decisive Battle of Sky!!) |
August 8, 2009 March 12, 2009 |
15 | E# 582 J# 587 |
"Trials and Adulations!" "Gekitotsu! Manmū Tai Bosugodora!!" (激突!マンムーVSボスゴドラ!!) (Clash! Mammoo vs. Bossgodora!!) |
August 15, 2009 March 26, 2009 |
E# N/A J# 16 |
E# N/A J# 573 |
N/A "Fushigi na Ikimono Poketto Monsutā!" (ふしぎないきものポケットモンスター!) (Mysterious Creatures: Pocket Monsters!) |
N/A March 26, 2009 |
E# 16 J# 17 |
E# 583 J# 589 |
"The Lonely Snover!" "Sabishigariya no Yukikaburi!" (さびしがりやのユキカブリ!) (The Lonely Yukikaburi!) |
August 22, 2009 April 2, 2009 |
E# 17 J# 18 |
E# 584 J# 590 |
"Stopped in the Name of Love!" "Shinka! Sono Toki Potchama wa!?" (進化!その時ポッチャマは!?) (Evolution! This Time for Pochama!?) |
August 29, 2009 April 2, 2009 |
E# 18 J# 19 |
E# 585 J# 591 |
"Old Rivals, New Tricks!" "Pokemon Kontesuto! Tatsunami Taikai!!" (ポケモンコンテスト!タツナミ大会!!) (Pokémon Contest! Tatsunami Tournament!!) |
September 5, 2009 April 16, 2009 |
E# 19 J# 20 |
E# 586 J# 592 |
"To Thine Own Pokémon Be True!" "Pokemon Pinpon Taikai! Etebōsu Ganbaru!!" (ポケモンピンポン大会!エテボースがんばる!!) (Pokémon Ping-Pong Competition! Do Your Best, Eteboth!!) |
September 12, 2009 April 23, 2009 |
E# 20 J# 21 |
E# 587 J# 593 |
"Battling a Cute Drama!" "Cherinbo! Kenage na Batoru!?" (チェリンボ!けなげなバトル!?) (Cherinbo! Brave Battle!?) |
September 26, 2009 April 30, 2009 |
E# 21 J# 22 |
E# 588 J# 594 |
"Classroom Training!" "Torēnāzu Sukūru no Suzuna-sensei!" (トレーナーズスクールのスズナ先生!) (Miss Suzuna of the Trainers' School!) |
October 3, 2009 May 7, 2009 |
E# 22 J# 23 |
E# 589 J# 595 |
"Sliding Into Seventh!" "Kissaki Jimu! Kōri no Batoru!!" (キッサキジム!氷のバトル!!) (Kissaki Gym! Ice Battle!!) |
October 10, 2009 May 14, 2009 |
E# 23 J# 24 |
E# 590 J# 596 |
"A Pyramiding Rage!" "Batoru Piramiddo! Shinji Tai Jindai!!" (バトルピラミッド!シンジVSジンダイ!!) (Battle Pyramid! Shinji vs. Jindai!!) |
October 17, 2009 May 21, 2009 |
E# 24 J# 25 |
E# 591 J# 597 |
"Pillars of Friendship!" "Fukkatsu no Rejigigasu! Jē Futatabi!!" (復活のレジギガス!J再び!!) (Resurrected Regigigas! J Returns!!) |
October 24, 2009 May 28, 2009 |
E# 25 J# 26 |
E# 592 J# 598 |
"Frozen on Their Tracks!" "Denryū Ressha! Hansamu Tōjō!!" (デンリュウ列車!ハンサム登場!!) (Denryuu Train! Handsome Appears!!) |
October 31, 2009 June 4, 2009 |
E# 26 J# 27 |
E# 593 J# 599 |
"Pedal to the Mettle!" "Furu Batoru! Shinji Tai Satoshi!! (Zenpen)" (フルバトル!シンジVSサトシ!!(前編)) (Full Battle! Shinji vs. Satoshi!! [Part 1]) |
November 7, 2009 June 11, 2009 |
E# 27 J# 28 |
E# 594 J# 600 |
"Evolving Strategies!" "Furu Batoru! Shinji Tai Satoshi!! -Kōhen-" (フルバトル!シンジVSサトシ!!(後編)) (Full Battle! Shinji vs. Satoshi!! [Part 2]) |
November 14, 2009 June 18, 2009 |
E# 28 J# 29 |
E# 595 J# 601 |
"Uncrushing Defeat!" "Yukushī no Kage!" (ユクシーの影!) (The Shadow of Yuxie!) |
November 21, 2009 June 25, 2009 |
E# 29 J# 30 |
E# 596 J# 602 |
"Promoting Healthy Tangrowth!" "Mori no Ōja! Mojanbo!!" (森の王者!モジャンボ!!) (King of the Forest! Mojumbo!!) |
December 5, 2009 July 2, 2009 |
E# 30 J# 31 |
E# 597 J# 603 |
"Beating the Bustle and Hustle!" "Zen'in Sansen! Pokemon Hassuru!" (全員参戦!ポケモンハッスル!) (Everybody Participate! Pokémon Hustle!) |
December 12, 2009 July 9, 2009 |
E# 31 J# 32 |
E# 598 J# 604 |
"Gateway to Ruin!" "Tenganzan no Iseki! Ginga-dan no Inbō!!" (テンガン山の遺跡!ギンガ団の陰謀!!) (Mt. Tengan Ruins! Conspiracy of Team Galaxy!!) |
December 19, 2009 July 23, 2009 |
E# 32 J# 33 |
E# 599 J# 605 |
"Three Sides to Every Story" "Mariru, Potchama, Erekiddo!!" (マリル・ポッチャマ・エレキッド!!) (Marill, Pochama & Elekid!!) |
December 26, 2009 August 6, 2009 |
E# 33 J# 34 |
E# 600 J# 606 |
"Strategy Begins at Home!" "Hikari Tai Mama! Oyako Taiketsu!!" (ヒカリVSママ!親子対決!!) (Hikari vs. Mama! Parent-Child Showdown!!) |
January 2, 2010 August 13, 2009 |
E# 34 J# 35 |
E# 600 J# 606 |
"A Faux Oak Finish!" "Ōkido-hakase o Kyūshutsu se yo! Nyorotono Tai Guregguru!!" (オーキド博士を救出せよ!ニョロトノVSグレッグル!!) (Rescue Professor Ōkido! Nyorotono vs. Gureggru!!) |
January 9, 2010 August 20, 2009 |
E# 35 J# 36 |
E# 602 J# 608 |
"Historical Mystery Tour" "Neiti, Neitio... Fushigi na Mori!" (ネイティ、ネイティオ…不思議な森!) (Naty, Natio...Mysterious Forest!) |
January 16, 2010 August 27, 2009 |
E# 36 J# 37 |
E# 603 J# 609 |
"Challenging a Towering Figure" "Tawā Taikūn! Sono Otoko, Kurotsugu!!" (タワータイクーン!その男、クロツグ!!) (Tower Tycoon! That Man, Kurotsugu!!) |
January 23, 2010 September 3, 2009 |
E# 37 J# 38 |
E# 604 J# 610 |
"Where No Togepi Has Gone Before!" "Shijō Saiaku no Togepī!" (史上最悪のトゲピー!) (The Worst Togepi in History!) |
January 30, 2010 September 10, 2009 |
E# 38 J# 39 |
E# 605 J# 611 |
"An Egg Scramble!" "Jōto Fesuta! Chikorīta to Waninoko Tōjō!!" (ジョウトフェスタ!チコリータとワニノコ登場!!) (Johto Festival! Chikorita and Waninoko Appear!!) |
February 6, 2010 September 17, 2009 |
E# 39 J# 40 |
E# 606 J# 612 |
"Gone With the Windworks!" "Danjon Kōryaku!? Tanima no Hatsudensho!" (ダンジョン攻略!?谷間の発電所!) (Dungeon Capture!? The Valley Powerplant!) |
February 13, 2010 September 17, 2009 |
E# 40 J# 41 |
E# 607 J# 613 |
"A Rivalry to Gible On!" "Fukamaru... Getto da ze!" (フカマル…ゲットだぜ!) (Fukamaru... I Got It!) |
February 20, 2010 October 1, 2009 |
E# 41 J# 42 |
E# 608 J# 614 |
"Dressed for Jess Success!" "Pokemon Kontesuto! Suiren Taikai!!" (ポケモンコンテスト!スイレン大会!!) (Pokémon Contest! Suiren Tournament!!) |
February 27, 2010 October 1, 2009 |
E# 42 J# 43 |
E# 609 J# 615 |
"Bagged Then Tagged!" "Satoshi to Hikari! Taggu Batoru!!" (サトシとヒカリ!タッグバトル!!) (Satoshi to Hikari! Tag Battle!!) |
March 6, 2010 October 15, 2009 |
E# 43 J# 44 |
E# 610 J# 616 |
"Try for the Family Stone!" "Mūma to Yamikarasu to Yami no Ishi!" (ムウマとヤミカラスとやみのいし!) (Muma, Yamikarasu and the Dark Stone!) |
March 13, 2010 October 22, 2009 |
E# 44 J# 45 |
E# 611 J# 617 |
"Sticking with Who You Know!" "Pikachū Potchama Kuttsukanai de!!" (ピカチュウポッチャマくっつかないで!!) (Pikachu and Pochama, Keep Apart!!) |
March 20, 2010 October 29, 2009 |
E# 45 J# 46 |
E# 612 J# 618 |
"Unlocking the Red Chain of Events!" "Akai Kusari! Ginga-dan Shidō!!" (赤い鎖!ギンガ団始動!!) (The Red Chain! Activated by the Team Galaxy!!) |
March 27, 2010 November 5, 2009 |
E# 46 J# 47 |
E# 613 J# 619 |
"The Needs of the Three!" "Agunomu, Yukushi, Emuritto!" (アグノム・ユクシー・エムリット!) (Agnome, Yuxie & Emrit!) |
April 3, 2010 November 12, 2009 |
E# 47 J# 48 |
E# 614 J# 620 |
"The Battle Finale of Legend!" "Diaruga to Parukia! Saigo no Tatakai!!" (ディアルガとパルキア!最後の戦い!!) (Dialga and Palkia! The Final Battle!!) |
April 10, 2010 November 12, 2009 |
E# 48 J# 49 |
E# 615 J# 621 |
"The Treasure Is All Mine!" "Kiken ga Ippai! Kojirō no Takarabako!!" (危険がいっぱい!コジロウの宝箱!!) (Full of Danger! Kojirō's Treasure Chest!!) |
April 17, 2010 November 26, 2009 |
E# 49 J# 50 |
E# 616 J# 622 |
"Mastering Current Events!" "Ea Batoru Masutā Tōjō! Guraion Tai Hassamu!!" (エアバトルマスター登場!グライオンVSハッサム!!) (The Air Battle Master Appears! Glion vs. Hassam!!) |
April 24, 2010 December 3, 2009 |
E# 50 J# 51 |
E# 617 J# 623 |
"Double-Time Battle Training!" "Daburu Batoru! Manmū to Hinoarashi!!" (ダブルバトル!マンムーとヒノアラシ!!) (Double Battle! Mammoo and Hinoarashi!!) |
May 1, 2010 December 10, 2009 |
E# 51 J# 52 |
E# 618 J# 624 |
"A Meteoric Rise to Excellence!" "Fukamaru to Ryūseigun!!" (フカマルとりゅうせいぐん!!) (Fukamaru and Draco Meteor!!) |
May 8, 2010 December 17, 2009 |
E# 52 J# 53 |
E# 619 J# 625 |
"Gotta Get a Gible!" "Fukamaru! Getto da ze!!" (フカマル!ゲットだぜ!!) (Fukamaru! I Got It!!) |
May 15, 2010 December 24, 2009 |
Ash's Travelling Companions
Key Events & Gym Battles
Events of noteGym battles
Pokemon: Captures, Changes, Encounters & Evolutions
New Pokemon captured by Ash & Other Characters
Pokemon released back into the wild
There were a number of occasions where either Ash or another character released a captured Pokémon back into the wild for one reason or another
We see the following Pokémon evolutions take place during this season
TV Broadcasts & Original Airing Dates
Trivia & Facts
DVD & Blu-Ray / Streaming