My Pokemon Ranch (WiiWare) みんなのポケモン牧場 ![]() |
General information | |
Platform | Wii |
Developed by | Ambrella |
Published by | Nintendo |
Players |
Single Player |
Generation | Generation IV |
Release dates | |
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July 4th, 2008 |
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July 4th, 2008 |
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March 25th, 2008 |
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June 9th, 2008 |

The stored Pokémon will be displayed on the ranch in 3D models, each having their own animations and sounds. The player too, will have a 3D avatar (Mii) they would use to interact with the different Pokémon in there.
Although the graphics aren't that great, the music is still enjoyable, and the various game features make the game an interesting choice. Although My Pokémon Ranch is considered a complimentary tool to Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl, it can be a standalone game that can still be played without having either of the two games. In fact, the ranch manager Hayley will gift the player six starter Pokémon, and offer them a new different one on a daily basis. She will ask the player each day the type of Pokémon she should bring the next day.
Additionally, she's also willing to trade some of the Pokémon in her possession (including both legendaries Mew and Phione) for specific ones. Last but not least, Hayley does also give very useful information about the Pokémon that is different to the Diamond and Pearl entries, since she helps locating these Pokémon on the Sinnoh region map. The game received an update to enable its interaction with Pokémon Platinum in 2008, adding new features to the game. The update was sadly released in Japan only.
The Ranch
The game takes mainly place on a large farm, with no relevant location in the Pokémon world. It is composed of a wide grassy green land, surrounded with a white fence. The farm also contains a barn, and is managed by Hayley.Characters
There are many different characters within the game, but the most important of all would be Hayley. All the characters, though, appear appear as Miis created through the Wii's avatar system.- Hayley: She's the host of My Pokémon Ranch. The region Hayley comes from is unknown, but presumed mostly to be Sinnoh as she seems to have a good knowledge of where Pokémon can be found across that region. All we know about her, is that she's a friend of Bebe (The inventor of Sinnoh's storage system).
Hayley is a devoted Pokémon breeder and yearns to create the biggest ranch in the world. To do so, she requires the player's help, to collect Pokémon and data on them. Within the game, she takes care of the player's Pokémon, brings a new one to the ranch each day and trades her own.
- The Player: The player's character is a custom made Mii, created with Wii's Mii avatar system. There are different facial traits available for selection, enabling the player to have a unique character.
- Club Look-See Miis : They are mainly secondary characters that appear on the player's ranch and invite them to visit theirs. What's special about them, is that they look similar to the Pokémon they raise and their ranches have specific themes. Each person has number and they appear in a linear order following these numbers.
Mii's Number | Mii's Name | Mii's Look-Alike | Mii's Ranch | Mii's Pokémon |
1 | Bobbie | Bibarel | Bidoof Ranch | 100 Bidoof, 20 Bibarel |
2 | Mirabel | Miltank | Milk Cow Ranch | 40 Miltank |
3 | Tanner | Tauros | Wild Bull Ranch | 60 Tauros |
4 | Maggie | Magneton | Magnemite Ranch | 30 Magnemite, 20 Magneton, 1 Magnezone |
5 | Wanda | Wobbuffet | Wobbuffet Ranch | 20 Wobbuffet, 5 Wynaut |
6 | Maribel | Mareep | Wool Ranch | 30 Mareep, 20 Flaffy, 10 Ampharos |
7 | Dugan | Dugtrio | Underground Ranch | 100 Diglett, 10 Dugtrio |
8 | Pikabo | Pikachu | Pikachu Ranch | 20 Pikachu, 10 Pichu, 5 Raichu |
9 | Nathan | Natu | Mystic Ranch | 8 Natu, 4 Xatu, 1 Lunatone, 1 Solrock, 1 Cresselia |
10 | Cherry | Cherubi | Small Ranch | 1 Cherubi, 1 Magnemite, 1 Chingling, 1 Starly, 1 Kricketot, 1 Caterpie |
11 | Raby | Starvia | Trophy Ranch | 10 Starvia, 10 Roselia, 10 Kricketune, 5 Pikachu, 5 Pichu, 3 Bonsly, 3 Happiny, 3 MimeJr., 3 Chansey |
12 | Penny | Happiny | Egg Ranch | 10 Pokémon Eggs, 5 Happiny, 5 Exeggcute, 5 Togepi, 3 Chansey & 1 Blissey |
13 | Todd | Politoed | Polibog Ranch | 200 Poliwag, 80 Poliwhirl, 20 Poliwrath & 1 Politoed |
14 | Sammie | Smoochum | Rosy Ranch | 10 Smoochum, 10 Igglypuff, 10 Cleffa, 5 Happiny, 5 Cherubi, 5 Clefairy, 5 Jigglypuff & 1 Wigglytuff |
15 | Crofton | Croagunk | Toxic Mouth Ranch | 20 Croagunk, 20 Toxicroack, 20 Nidoran, 20 Beedil, 10 Nidorino, 10 Tentacool, 10 Tentacruel, 10 Seviper & 10 Qwilfish |
16 | Robert | Probopass | Rock Ranch | 300 Geodude, 100 Graveler, 30 Nosepass, 30 Bonsly, 20 Golem, 20 Onix, 10 Probopass & 10 Sudowoodo |
17 | Kristy | Kricketot | Bug Ranch | 50 Combee, 30 Kricketot, 20 Kakuna, 20 Weedle, 20 Silcoon, 20 Beautifly, 20 Wurmple, 10 Beedrill, 10 Heracross, 10 Pinser, 10 Kricketune, 5 Scyther & 1 Vespiquen |
18 | Pattie | Pachirisu | Amity Ranch | 2 Pachirisu, 2 Pikachu, 2 Clefairy, 2 Psyduck, 2 Jigglypuff, 2 Torchic, 2 Shroomish, 2 Happiny, 2 Drifloon, 2 Buneary, 2 Skitty |
19 | Douglas | Duskull | Horror Ranch | 30 Duskull, 30 Shuppet, 30 Gastly, 10 Hunter, 10 Banette, 10 Dusclops, 5 Gengar, 5 Mismagius, 5 Dusknoir, & 1 Spiritomb |
20 | Martha | Wormadam | Burmy Ranch | 10 Wormadam (trash cloack), 10 Wormadam (sandy cloack), 10 Wormadam (plant cloack), 10 Burmy (trash cloack), 10 Burmy (sandy cloack), 10 Burmy (plant cloack) & 2 Mothim |
21 | Sunny | Sunflora | Tropical Ranch | 40 Sunflora, 40 Sunkern, 10 Exeggutor, 10 Ludicolo, 10 Tropius & 10 Cherubi |
22 | Grace | Glaceon | Evolution Ranch | 6 Eevee, 1 Glaceon, 1 Flareon, 1 Jolteon, 1 Umbreon, 1 Leafeon, 1 Espeon, 1 Vaporeon |
23 | Pamela | Aipom | Sweet Scent Ranch | 50 Combee, 30 Aipom, 30 Cherubi, 30 Burmy (plant cloack) & 1 Munchlax |
24 | Mason | Abomasnow | Snow Country Ranch | 50 Mamoswine, 40 Snover, 40 Snorunt, 20 Swinub, 20 Sealeo, 10 Froslass, 10 Piloswine, 10 Glalie, 5 Abomasnow, 5 Walrein & 1 Articuno |
25 | Barbara | Abra | Psychic Ranch | 16 Abra, 16 Ralts, 8 Kadabra, 8 Kirlia, 5 Jynx, 5 Mr. Mime, 4 Alakazam, 2 Gardevoir, 2 Gallade, 1 Uxie, 1 Mesprit, 1 Azelf & 1 Mewtwo |
26 | Abella | Swablu | Airy Ranch | 100 Skiploom, 50 Swablu, 50 Jumpluff, 40 Drifloon & 20 Drifblim |
27 | Magnes | Magby | Flame Ranch | 40 Magby, 30 Slugma, 30 Ponyta, 20 Magmar, 10 Magcargo, 10 Rapidash, 10 Magmortar, 5 Chimchar, 1 Heatran, 1 Entei & 1 Moltres |
28 | Marita | Makuhita | Battle Ranch | 20 Machop, 20 Makuhita, 10 Croagunk, 10 Machamp, 10 Hitmonlee, 10 Hitmonchan, 10 Hariyama, 5 Toxicroak, 5 Riolu, 5 Machoke & 1 Lucario |
29 | Webb | Weavile | Dark Ranch | 40 Poochyen, 40 Stunky, 40 Murkrow, 20 Houndour, 20 Mightyena, 20 Sneasel, 10 Houndoom, 10 Skuntank & 1 Honchkrow |
30 | Leah | Roselia | Flower Garden Ranch | 50 Bellossom, 30 Budew, 20 Roselia, 20 Cherrim, 20 Sunflora, 10 Roserade, 5 Gloom, 5 Turtwig & 1 Leafeon |
31 | Spencer | Spoink | Swarm Ranch | 800 Spoink |
32 | Deanna | Goldeen | Water Ranch | 20 Goldeen, 20 Seaking, 20 Corphish, 20 Finneon, 10 Bibarel, 10 Gastrodon (East Sea), 10 Gastrodon (West Sea), 10 Crawdaunt, 5 Piplup, 1 Vaporeon & 1 Suicune |
33 | Troy | Baltoy | Ancient Ranch | 50 Baltoy, 50 Amonyte, 50 Kabuto, 50 Aerodactyl, 50 Anorith, 50 Cranidos, 50 Shieldon, 20 Omastar, 20 Kabutops, 20 Claydol, 20 Rampardos, 20 Armaldo, 20 Bastiodon, 1 Regirock, 1 Registeel, 1 Regice & 1 Regigagas |
34 | Jules | Zapdos | Electric Ranch | 30 Pachirisu, 20 Plusle, 20 Minun, 20 Pichu, 20 Shinx, 20 Elekid, 10 Pikachu, 10 Electabuzz, 10 Luxio, 5 Luxray, 5 Electivire, 1 Raikou & 1 Zapdos |
35 | Lucius | Lugia | Heaven Ranch | 30 Pidgey, 30 Wingull, 30 Starly, 20 Starvia, 20 Gligar, 10 Staraptor, 10 Skarmory, 1 Latios, 1 Latias, 1 Rayquaza & 1 Lugia |
36 | Trevor | Torterra | Earthly Ranch | 40 Sandshrew, 30 Hippopotas, 20 Hippiwdon, 20 Whiscash, 20 Numel, 20 Sanslash, 10 Nincada, 5 Torterra, 5 Diglett & 1 Groudon |
37 | Nita | Dragonite | Dragon Ranch | 30 Gible, 30 Dratini, 20 Dragonair, 20 Vibrava, 2 Gabite, 10 Flygon, 1 Altaria, 5 Dragonite, 5 Garchomp, 1 Palka & 1 Dialga |
My Pokémon Ranch offers a variety of fun features:- Pokémon Storage: As a game conceived to be mainly a storage tool, it lets the players transfer up to 1000 Pokémon from the Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl and store them in the farm. The stored Pokémon are displayed as mini 3D models and can be organized on the farm according to few criteria, like weight, height, nature, etc...
- Mii's and Pokémon Interactions: Using their Miis(the custom created character), the player can interact with the environment and the Pokémon present in it. They can run away from Pokémon or even dance with them, as they can interact with the farm by tending to it and adding decorative items. The Pokémon too interact in between themselves by greeting or attacking each others.
- Screenshots: Pictures can be taken at any given moment in the game. The Focus Lock of the camera helps taking better images of Pokémon and objects, as the camera angle can also be rotated at the player's will. Additionally, the player can share these pictures with their friends, using the WiiConnect24.

Some Mii's (left), A Mii interacting with Piplup and Pikachu (right).
Ranch Levels
My Pokémon Ranch actually features a ranch level system. In order to gain a level and expand your ranch, some requirements are to be met. Passing certain levels adds new stuff to the game.Ranch Level | Requirement | Storage limits | Ranch Mii Capacity |
Ranch Toy Capacity |
Unlocked features |
1 | The starting level | 20 | 5 | 1 | |
2 | Transfer 7 Pokémon | 25 | 5 | 1 | |
3 | Transfer 10 Pokémon | 30 | 5 | 1 | |
4 | Transfer 15 Pokémon | 40 | 10 | 1 | |
5 | Transfer 20 Pokémon | 50 | 10 | 1 | Free Mode |
6 | Transfer 30 Pokémon | 60 | 10 | 1 | |
7 | Transfer 40 Pokémon | 80 | 10 | 1 | |
8 | Transfer 50 Pokémon | 100 | 15 | 2 | |
9 | Transfer 60 Pokémon | 150 | 15 | 2 | |
10 | Transfer 80 Pokémon | 200 | 15 | 2 | Favorites |
11 | Transfer 100 Pokémon | 250 | 20 | 3 | |
12 | Transfer 120 Pokémon | 300 | 20 | 3 | |
13 | Transfer 150 Pokémon | 350 | 20 | 3 | |
14 | Transfer 200 Pokémon | 400 | 20 | 3 | |
15 | Transfer 250 Pokémon | 500 | 20 | 4 | Phione |
16 | Transfer 300 Pokémon | 600 | 20 | 4 | |
17 | Transfer 350 Pokémon | 700 | 20 | 4 | |
18 | Transfer 400 Pokémon | 800 | 20 | 4 | |
19 | Transfer 450 Pokémon | 900 | 20 | 4 | |
20 | Transfer 500 Pokémon | 1000 | 20 | 5 | A Pallet Toy appears and Hayley's Pokémon are transferred to a barn |
21 | Transfer 600 Pokémon | 1000 | 20 | 5 | |
22 | Transfer 700 Pokémon | 1000 | 20 | 5 | |
23 | Transfer 800 Pokémon | 1000 | 20 | 5 | |
24 | Transfer 900 Pokémon | 1000 | 20 | 5 | |
25 | Transfer 999 Pokémon | 1000 | 20 | 6 | Mew |
26 | Transfer 1000 Pokémon | 1500 | 20 | 6 | Only available with the Pokémon Platinum update |
Hayley's Wanted Pokémon and Trading
Upon transferring the first Pokémon to My Pokémon Ranch, Hayley will get data on the player's Pokédex and asks daily that they bring a specific Pokémon. She gives information about the Pokémon's location or what items are needed for its evolution and where to find them, if it's a specially evolved one. Upon bringing the wanted Pokémon, she'll offer one of her own to trade for it, or one of those she brought to the ranch. Hayley's Pokémon are special, since they either know an Egg Move, have already learned a TM or hold a special object. These are the Pokémon that Hayley trades:![]() |
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Pikachu | Wynaut | Eevee | Pachirisu | Shellos | Aerodactyl | Croagunk | Lickitung |
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Finneon | Wailmer | Shroomish | Vulpix | Snover | Tangela | Miltank | Yanma |
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Staravia | Buneary | Combee | Ponyta | Phione | Mew |

Trade Hayley one of the Pokemon on her wanted list, and you'll get one of hers in return.
Within the ranch several events happen, making the farm lively and seemingly more realistic and fun. These events can be devised into Random events that occur every 15 minutes and specific ones that happen after reaching a certain condition.- Random Events: They are mainly interactions in between Pokémon. The Pokémon would be greeting or attacking each others. The attacks used by the Pokémon will depend on their type, and will be generic attacks like a fire Pokémon breathing fire or an electric Pokémon electrocuting another.
- A list of specific events and when they occur:
The Event | The Condition |
Clock | It happens each hour |
Attention | Transfer at least 1 Pokémon |
Pole Totem | Transfer at least 5 Pokémon |
Sky Parade | Transfer at least 11 Pokémon that can levitate |
Do The Wave | Transfer 8 Plusie and 8 Minun |
Slow Waltz | Transfer at least 10 Illumise and 10 Volbeat |
Pikachu Party | Transfer 20 Pikachu |
Hop-Hop | Transfer 20 Cleffa |
ZigZag Dance | Transfer 20 Zigzagoon |
Ring Dance | Transfer 20 Pokémon that have the same type |
Circle Dance | Transfer 20 Pokémon that have the same specie |
ZigZag Parade | Transfer 25 Zigzagoon |
Carousel | Transfer 40 Ponyta, Rapidash, Stantler and Girafarig |
Chorus | Transfer many Igglypuff, Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff |
Dash | Transfer Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Torchic, Meowth, Teddiursa and Munchlax |
Keyboard | Transfer the Unown in all their forms |
Throughout the game, various toys will be delivered to the Toy Box on a daily basis. Toys can be placed on the ranch, so that Pokémon and Mii's can interact with them.The Toy | Description |
![]() Training Bag |
A training bag on which Pokémon can practice their attacks. |
![]() Stinky Ball |
A ball that releases a stench repelling both Pokémon and Miis from the Mii that picks it up. The Mii carrying it gets anxious and ends up throwing it away. |
![]() Spring Stand |
It lets Pokémon jump very high. |
![]() Spin Ride |
If a Mii or Pokémon step on it, they'll spin quickly. When spinning, some Miis get confused. |
![]() Snowman |
A snowman that freezes all Miis and Pokémon nearby. Pokémon vulnerable to Ice attacks do not approach it. It is vulnerable to Fire type attacks and depletes with time. |
![]() Slippery Peel |
It trips Miis and Pokémon that step on it. |
![]() Round Rock |
A rock that moves by when attacked by Pokémon. If a Pokémon fails to avoid it, it gets flattened to the grass. |
Pokémon Pallet | It gathers all the ranch's Pokémon, forming the image of the player's Mii. |
![]() Poké Rocket |
A cannon that launches Pokémon far away. |
![]() Poké Pendulum |
It hyponotizes Pokémon confusing them or putting them to sleep |
Poké Microphone | Pokémon can cry through the microphone, resulting in their voices being heard in the Wii Remot's Speaker. |
![]() Poké Cushion |
It can be placed on a Mii's head and Pokémon tend to jump on it. If the Pokémon is too heavy, the Mii will be unable to move. |
![]() Poké Bell |
If a Mii uses it, it will attract Pokémon toward it. |
Poké Balloons | If attached to a Pokémon or a Mii, it will let them fly away. |
![]() Pitfall |
A small hole in which Pokémon and Miis can fall. After they jump into it, they'll reappear falling from the sky. If the Pokémon is too big, like Onyx, it won't fall. |
![]() Parade Drum |
Used by Miis to form a parade of Pokémon |
![]() Leader Flag |
Used by Miis to lead a parade of Pokémon |
![]() Fountain |
Can be used by both Miis and Pokémon. Fire Pokémon avoid it. |
![]() Challenger |
A dummy toy that trains Pokémon by attacking them. Avoiding the attack will result in the toy starting a sort of celebration. |
![]() Burst Ball |
An explosive ball that detonates upon contact. |
![]() Bounce Back Ball |
A super bouncing ball that throws away any Miis or Pokémon it contacts. The faster the ball, the further the victims are thrown away. |
![]() Bonfire |
Both Pokémon and Miis can watch it, although it sometimes burns some Pokémon. Water Pokémon can douse the flames a bit. |
![]() Attractor |
A weird device that attracts Pokémon to the Miis that use it. |
The Platinum Update
An update was released in Japan in the 5th of Novermber, 2008 enabling the link between Pokémon Platinum and My Pokémon Ranch. The update also added several features to the game, including:- Raising the ranch level to 26, which allows storing up to 1500 Pokémon.
- Eleven new toys with new fun mechanics.
- Three new Club Look See members along their ranches.
- New animations for several Pokémon
- The ability to change the soundtrack or song being played
New events:

- Battle between Dialga and Palkia.
- Battle between Darkrai and Cresselia
- Battle between Seviper and Zangoose
- Wrestling contest between Makuhita and Hariyama
- Water Pokémon using Surf on the water, all while swimming and jumping.
- New Rotom forms.
Videos & Media
Check out these videos from My Pokémon Ranch including Japanese and Western trailers + the first episode of a decent Lets Play.The Japanese Trailer for My Pokémon Ranch
The USA Trailer for My Pokémon Ranch, gives a good overview of the game.
Join Trey on a relaxing getaway as he runs his very own Pokémon Ranch in this Lets Play episode.
Trivia & Facts
- Level 100 Pokémon or Pokémon found in special places will emit sparkles in blue or green respectively or both if the Pokémon obeys both conditions.
- Everyone's Pokémon Ranch was the original game title, but it was changed due to the fact that western cultures are culturally more individual oriented.
- Certain Pokémon have unique specie characteristics like the Weezing emitting stinky yellow gaz that repels other Pokémon.
No official Sales numbers are released about My Pokémon Ranch, but one thing for sure: The game was one of the worst recieved Pokémon titles to be released and probably had poor sales as a result of it.Reviews
My Pokémon Ranch was generally considered one of the worst Pokémon games to be released. Overall, the game was badly received and was rated below average scores on major game review websites. Let's take a look at these scores:
- Craig Harris from IGN was really annoyed by the Miis Character models refering to the game as "the ugliest Pokémon game -- to hit any videogame system" and rated it 4/10 the equivalent of "Bad" on their scale.
- Alex Knox from NintendoLife, also, thought that the game missed a lot of potential and could've been way better if more effort was invested in it. He rated it 4/10, which equates "Poor" on NintendoLife's scale.
- On GameRankings too, My Pokémon Ranch was also given a bad score of 43.11%.
In spite of all this, I personally didn't mind it, it's nice to have a change of pace from hardcore battling to be the very best, and to see your Pokémon from Diamond and Pearl in a 3D environment, even if it's a bit of a questionable one ;-)
Media & Artwork
Official Artwork Gallery from My Pokemon Ranch (WiiWare) - A gallery featuring Pokemon and characters from the gameScreenshots from My Pokemon Ranch (WiiWare)